Just an oddball assortment of pictures, some go back as far as Brett's birthday in November. The kids are doing great. Nora has really become pals w/ John, and they generally crack each other up. When she can tell I'm getting frustrated w/ John's complaining, she says, "It's ok mom, that's just how he talks!" and also has nominated herself as their collective spokesperson... when I'm making smoothies she asks me to do the blending out on the back porch "because we're kind of scared of that noise." John is sitting up now, rolling around and getting annoyed that he isn't more mobile. It can get frustrating (for all of us!) but will be the motivation he needs to start figuring out how to crawl. He's eating everything -- except that delightful meat paste they make for babies. I gave him some the other night and in what may have been a terrible coincidence, timing-wise, he later threw it up all over me... twice. I'm getting the heebie-jeebies just thinking about that again! In any event, we just decided to hold off on meat in case that was the problem. Enjoy the pictures, we'll try (as always) to post more frequently so I don't have to put 4 months worth of pictures up in one shot. Enjoy the extra hour of daylight!
making Brett's birthday cake: "look mom, they put this little handle here just for kids!"
Happy Birthday, Dad!
shoes out, waiting for Elves
Nora's first treat from the Elves (they come to the house the month b/f Christmas to help Nora get ready for Christmas, then hitch a ride back to the North Pole w/ Santa when he comes to our house Christmas Eve. Good day = elf treat, bad day = no treat)
Nora playing "baby Moses:" the doll is Moses in the basket, and she's the princess who finds him hidden in the tall grass (I was assigned the part of narrator/ Moses' birth mom/ audience).

Couch potato

trying on Christmas gifts, decided to take a break for some pants-free dancing w/ leopard cat