Halloween was as excellent as the kids were hoping! Nora got to wear her costume to school on Wednesday, where they had a little party and did a performance of three poems they memorized for the parents... very cute:

Halloween night we stuck to Brett's tradition of pizza for dinner, and then hustled the kids into their costumes to get their picture with the firewagon before it got too dark:

So there you have it, the most themed/ coordinated Halloween we might ever, ever have.
The day started rainy but it was clear for trick-or-treating, so they had a really good time. When they got back, both had chilly cheeks so we brought them in to warm up while we waited to see if we'd have any more trick-or-treaters... it was very slow this year.

The potato chips were a big hit... Nora keeps telling people she got her "own" potato chips!
John luckily loved his costume... he wore it the entire night.

Hope you all had a nice time last night too, and that November is off to a great start.
Love to all-
The Huffmans