Monday, May 7, 2007

Snuggle Bug

Last night I had one of the sweetest moments of motherhood... just in time for Mother's Day too! I was putting Nora to bed early because it had been a busy weekend. We read some books and then I just held her sitting on my lap, but facing me, and rocked her in the rocking chair for a few minutes. Usually she likes to look around, poke her fingers into my mouth, try to get off my lap, etc., but she was sleepy so she just laid her head on my chest and let me rub her back. As I was realizing that she is getting so big that her head just barely tucks under my chin anymore, she suddenly sat up straight, looked me in the face, and leaned in to give me a kiss on the lips before resuming the snuggle position. Parenting is hard work, but always so rewarding -- a moment like this one with my little girl was like the cherry on top of the sundae!

We had a busy weekend and it wore her right out! Brett left Saturday for a tradeshow in Texas, and then our friends Beth, Angie and Angie's little guy Ethan came over for lunch. Nora's going through a little bit of kid-induced anxiety... all of a sudden she's scared of other kids. If you have suggestions for quickly ushering her through this weird phase, send them my way! The visit with Ethan went better than our last visit with him, and I'm so thankful that her wailing doesn't throw him off for even a second -- he remained friendly the entire time! After Nora's afternoon nap, we packed up and went to Grandma and Grandpa Y's for a sleepover. Woo hoo~ Clare was in town too so we celebrated Cinco de Mayo with Corona's and a botana. We ended up spending much of Sunday at my mom and dad's too with church and the need for an immediate nap after a little brunch/ lunch at good old Leo's! All the excitement of hanging out with friends and family left Nora pretty whipped last night.

She continues to work on talking, but she whispers new sounds/ words, so it's hard to tell what she's working on! I think she's trying to say "banana," the greatest fruit ever as far as she's concerned. We were at the grocery store today and as I rounded the corner in the produce department, her face lit up at the sight of ALL THOSE BANANAS! Ahh, simple pleasures. We're also trying to get in as much outside time as possible. Here are a couple pictures from last week hanging out in our yard.

This is my fellow stay-at-home mom, Little Mama. We can keep an eye on her from our back porch, and are hoping to see her babies soon!