Happy Halloween! Finally, weeks of pumpkin and ghost excitement culminate in the big day... and Nora cried. She liked being a cat. She was fascinated with the cat nose I drew on her, as well as the whiskers. She loved eating pizza for dinner (which she calls "baht-ass" for some reason). She was pumped about going outside for a walk after we ate. But when it came to walking up to people's houses, no matter that these were all friendly neighbors she sees fairly regularly -- WITH TREATS -- she wanted no part of it! We only went to four houses total... the fourth only after a long break on our own porch. Once the trauma of trick-or-treating was over, she got a huge kick out of hanging out on our porch and handing out candy to the other trick-or-treaters. She also practiced her halloween laugh -- a pretty respectable "HOO HA Ha Ha Haaaaah." We ended the night on a high note, with a halloween tattoo of a pumpkin, a bat and stars on her forearm, Popeye-style. She promptly learned the word "tattoo," fell in love with her ink, and cried when her pjs covered it up. We had to give the tattoo a kiss good night, then tell her it was going to sleep and would see her in the morning to get her to go to bed. Here are the pictures:
I also have some catching-up to do... here are pictures of Nora and Ethan with the dads at the Pumpkin Carving Party (a huge success and overall good time!), Nora at the Marathon with her peeps (and their medals), at the Detroit Zoo with me and my Aunt Judy in the butterfly house, enjoying tea and jammies after a sleepover at Grandma & Grandpa Y's, doing a shake-shake-shake kind of dance on my birthday, and sporting a hot new look for fall -- the purse/hat. It's all the rage. The zipper must be worn in the front, otherwise, don't bother. :)
Mom, don't you get it? Eating pizza makes Nora feel like a badass (As was demonstrated later in the evening with her spooky Halloween laugh)!! Gosh, she's too cute... What a great costume. I'm glad she enjoyed passing out the candy, even though she was not a fan of being on the other side of the Trick-or-Treat exchange... She must know that "it is better to give than to receive." What a strong moral character she has developed already... And I have to say that that shot of her with her purse/hat definitely reminds me of a certain shot of myself years ago!
Happy November!
These are great pictures. I have to say Nora's Great-grandmother would be especially proud of the fine fashion statement she is making with the purse/hat. I bet by next year she will be more into the receiving end of Halloween.
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