Sorry for not even meeting my low, low standard of one post for month last month! As we get closer to the baby's due date, our level of activity around here has been rising steadily. Last week was extremely productive (items crossed off my lists left and right... it was great!) If this continues, this week looks to break a record as far as us getting things done! Brett finished building a new closet for our bedroom, and we moved our clothes in there last week... it's great! And now the baby's room is officially full of just the baby's things (it was our catchall for everything that didn't have a home during the closet-building) That was a big effort, and he did a really nice job. We've also been getting a lot of lingering jobs done... our home will be in the best shape it's been in by the time this little guy arrives! Even so, Brett's been great about making time for Nora. They went to the zoo a few weeks ago on the Family Membership Nora and I got him for Father's Day... the penguins were a huge hit, and she has been talking about them ever since (and demonstrating how they walk).
If you look closely, you will see that the heroine of this book, Lily, is wearing the same goofy fake nose/ mustache/ eyebrow glasses on the cover of the book as the ones Nora is sporting for the reading!
A little update on Nora, since this will likely be the last blog entry in which she is the main star, she's had a big month and a half or so since I last wrote.
I also gave her her first haircut. Brett came home from work and said "she looks like a different kid!" Since it was her baby hair, it was all different lengths, which made it hard to cut it into any particular style. She did great at sitting still, though (still being a relative term), so once it grows out a bit, I might take her to the kiddie salon to see if they can shape it up a little.
getting her first haircut
running around during a dance session... this is post-haircut
We also finally removed the featherbed landing pad in her room, and so far, so good. She has, however, started getting out of bed during naptime and going through her things, looking out the window, emptying dresser drawers, putting on lotion (silly mom, why did you leave it within reach if you didn't want me to touch it?) etc. So we've had a few talks about what she can touch (books and 'guys' [stuffed animals]) and what she can't touch (the shade, anything in or on the dresser) when she's in the room by herself. That is still sinking in. The other day we went in to get her in the morning and the first thing she said was "I didn't touch that shade all by myself," which appeared to be true (apparently it was very tempting since she had to tell us about it right away!) The next morning, she said the same thing even though the little strip of wood they put in the bottom of the shade was 3/4 of the way out and hanging onto her bed --hmmmm, if it wasn't Nora, we have an elf problem in our house!
This "N" is hanging above Nora's bed, and a few weeks ago I came in after an unsuccessful nap attempt to find poor "Baby Elmo" hanging by his leg like this! I asked her how he got up there and she just shrugged.
A few weeks ago Brett went to get Nora up, and found this scene... we didn't even count the books, but I can tell you there are at least three pairs of shoes in there.
Aside from her learning to do more and more on her own, she's been keeping us laughing with all that she talks about now. She says something that makes us laugh almost every day... a lot of pretending going on around here. In fact, for the beginning of the week, she was a puppy, and corrected me if I just call her Nora. "I'm PUPPY NORA, mom." For the last three days, she's been Grandma Beth, I've been Grandpa Chris, and Brett has been Alison (her aunt). She is very committed to our roles... if I forget to address her correctly, she'll repeat what I've said and add "... GRANDMA BETH" to the end of it until I correct myself! During her nap today, she was calling to me and interrupted herself as she said "mom" and changed it to "Grandpa Chris." A week ago, she was wearing her green blanket over her head and told us she was an alien (a very hard work to wrap your tongue around, apparently... it took a couple tries!) When she pushed the blanket back from her face to talk to us, it hung on the top of her head and she promptly told us she was Mary, and followed that up with "I like to dance!" (A little known fact about the Blessed Mother!) She spent the rest of the day with a blanket on her head being Mary and taking care of her baby doll, Jesus (who she alternately referred to as "Baby God"... I thought that was a surprising hold on Christian theology for a 2 year old!) Her guys are also up to more and more interesting things... a few weeks ago I came into the kitchen to find that she'd set up Little Fil with some lunch, and had two other guys (Buddy the wooden dog and Hundley the dachsund) waiting for their turn to eat:
pretending to be a "space monkey"
The other night we watched the last highlights of the olympic trials, and she was fascinated by the runners. She was a big fan of Lolo Jones (sprinter), and this morning when we were asking her if she remembered any of the runners, she told us that Lolo was "Lolo of the Jones." Her memory surprises me all the time, so don't swear in front of her!
Other than that, our obvious other event is that the baby is due this month. This coming Sunday, to be exact. The doctor said everything is looking good, things are starting to happen but there's still no telling if he'll be here by Sunday. I'm feeling like I can go up to a week past my due date, but after that, I make no guarantees as to how pleasant and/ or patient I'll be! We've got his room straightened out and cleaned up, and I pulled out the rest of the newborn baby stuff from our storage closet earlier this week (car seat, bouncy seat, the good old Boppy pillow, etc). His clothes are washed, his bed made... we're all set -- except for his name. Fear not, we're coming along on that too, though. We're just kind of last minute namers, as it turns out. :)
So given that I'm not a lightning-fast blogger and am about to be knocked off the computer completely by bringing a new baby home, this might be our last post for a little while. I will try to at least get some pictures of the little guy up once we bring him home.
Thanks, as always, for checking in. Wish us luck as we hit the final stretch of the baby waiting game!
Sarah, Brett, Nora, and he-who-shall-soon-be-named
Nora is becoming such a little lady! Can't wait to meet Scooter Huffman!!
We are so excited for you and your family! Four is so fun! It is so exciting watching how your older baby grows into a sibling and discovers love for another! It will just break your heart wide open! I will keep you in my prayers for a safe and swift delivery! Please keep us posted! We are checking in everyday now! PS> Jake loved the pic of Alien Monkey Nora and attempted his own version after seeing her! Kids are a hoot! Big Love-Maria
Love the update. Nora is so adorable and her haircut looks great! Can't wait to hear about the arrival of the newest little Huffman!!
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