Sunday, August 3, 2008

Porky Snorter and the Chameleon

John's first smile on film!

This might be one of my shortest posts... sleep is a sweet commodity around here and I have a chance to hit the hay in the next half an hour!

John is three weeks old... last Monday he had his two week checkup and was 1/2 oz shy of 10 lbs even. That jumped him from the 50th-60th percentile for weight to 97th percentile! I was surprised. Makes all those night feedings seem not so bad, though... they're obviously doing the trick. So, he's porky... and he is so snorty! So much more so than Nora was. He sounds like a disgruntled little old man all the time. He did start taking a bottle from Brett last week (HOORAY!!) so I can smell the sweet scent of freedom in my future (Nora did not take a bottle... it was a looooong year).

chilling out after bath time

As for the Chameleon... if you've been around at all you know that Nora is having some sort of identity issue -- every day she's someone new. At first she was Grandma Beth, then Aunt Grace, then Uncle Jim... each for a few days. Now it changes minute by minute, and her roles have included Beth, Mike, Angie, Tom, Mommy, the mail lady, the package guy, the bank lady ("would you like a sucker?"), the plumber, the guy who brings you eggs for dinner (?!), a turtle, a butterfly, Sandy the squirrel, Spongebob, Patrick, a puppy, kitten Nora, baby John, a "real" baby, Grandma Di -- even Jesus. We went to have our car seats checked this weekend, and she told all the volunteers that she was Bob. They were awesome and played right along with her! Along with each of these alternative identites I usually get reassigned as well... often to match whoever she may be, but most frequently as Marguerite ("Marg-a-weet"). She even corrected the doctor at John's checkup to let her know she (Nora) was Aunt Grace and I was Marguerite. What a nut.

She's still getting used to having John in the house. She's very sweet to him, but lashes out at me and/ or Brett at least once a day with a tantrum. Hopefully not for much longer, but otherwise she's doing great. Here she is nursing her baby (who also has had multiple identities -- when she was Aunt Grace, he was Lucas; when she was Tom, he was Ethan; then he was Jacob (not sure where the name came from) and tonight before bed, inexplicably "Nunkie") :

she told me he gets milk from her belly button. Amazing!

Hope all is well with all you faithful blog checkers! Take care-

Sarah, Brett, Nora and John

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So glad to hear the bottle-taking is working!! If you need anything, let me know!! :)
Love the nursing picture of Nora... my mom said we used to nurse Bert and Ernie when she'd nurse Dieter... too funny!