Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Wedding Dance

A few weekends ago (the weekend it rained like crazy around here) we went to Brett's cousin's wedding. Nora prepped for this for WEEKS with a lot of dance practice. It paid off... she was the queen of the dance floor before dinner. We initially tried to convince her to stay off the dance floor because we thought maybe it was bad form to let your kids dance out there before the bride and groom officially open up the floor with their first dance? But, good luck keeping a two year old off a perfectly good dance floor for three hours! So she and the kids of one of Brett's other cousins ran around and shook their booties.

Nora initially would not let me try dresses on her to see what would fit her for the wedding (she hates trying on clothes... just like her mama!). Since one of her favorite book characters is Fancy Nancy, and Nancy says her favorite color is fuschia (a fancy word for purple!), I had told Nora it was too bad she didn't want to try on this dress, because it was fuschia, but I would just put it back into the closet. She looked at dress, looked at me , looked back at the dress and said "Ok, you can put that fuschia dress on me for the wedding." I thought about a trying different dress too, but the decision was FINALIZED as far as Nora was concerned!

Shall we dance?

Nora leading Cole and Ashlynn around the dance floor at full speed

Dancing with dad (at the end of the night... getting sleepy!)

John with Grandma

The party's over!

Brett, me, Nora, Brett's Uncle Steve, Grandma Beth, John, Aunt Alison, Uncle Erick, Grandpa Chris

Cole and Nora

Nora and another young guest... she was introducing herself and inviting other kids to come onto the dance floor too

The wedding was very nice, and I don't have a single picture of the bride and groom! It was fun to see Brett's family, and particularly to spend time with Alison and Erick, who made a long roadtrip to be there for the weekend. Both kids did great, especially Nora with skipping a nap and having a long night (for her). I'll have to track down a good picture of John in his "little man" get-up to post... he looked so funny in a button down white shirt and khaki pants -- not to mention his socks with little loafers on them! Thanks to the Jameses for lending us his spiffy clothes -- he was a sharp-dressed man. :)

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